Thanks for the kind words John. Hope you survived the Munich Beer Test!

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Any time, Gareth. Yeah just about! Got some good writing material now.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by John Nicholas

Great edition, John. You have a ton of valid points in here. And I LOVE the Tolle quote at the beginning. Very stoic.

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Thanks Randy! Happy I got this essay over the line. Yeah good catch - interesting to see the overlap between stoicism and other (seemingly unrelated) fields. Some core truths remain universal.

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"There are many roads to Rome and many ways of being." this rings so loud and true. Loved reading your self-reflective journey. I've still got so much to learn.

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Thanks Becky. Happy it resonated! Haha don't we all. Writing feels a great tool to help us figure out things.

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John, I’m on vacation at the coast with my kids. I’m so honored to be given a slot in Live and Let Live this week. I will receive it wholeheartedly 🙏🙏 even though my instinct is to feel undeserving (still part of my life’s work).

This is lovely and profound at the same time: “My wish is that we all find our thing. Our calling. Our antidote to restlessness.”

Our antidote to restlessness.

Our antidote to restlessness.


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My pleasure James. I was really moved by your essay and thought it would be great to spread the message a little wider. Enjoy the time off with your family! And thanks for the kind words.

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'having something I can point to as ‘my own’ is exactly what I needed to get out of the way of others' boom, what a line. Really love your self-reflective essay and how you broke it down John.

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Thanks Rik. I couldn't have written this without your encouragement and support. I had a faint idea, but didn't believe it was good enough. Thanks for telling me otherwise.

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