Nice to see you in my inbox John, and I've got nothing but respect for:

-pausing to take stock of priorities and reallocate your resources to honor them

-learning a new language (just starting my foray into this with Spanish)

-running 80K!!!

Will always look forward to your posts when it works for you.

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Thanks Rick! It's good to be back. Good luck with the Spanish and thanks for the unwavering support.

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Loved reading through these reflections, John! This article just screams "we can do hard things!" - humans are resilient AF!

I've lived in Sweden and Spain long enough to have tried to learn the language at business level but it's HARD. I know that you've just passed your C1 and I personally respect the commitment and courage it takes to show up for that! 🙌🏼

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Thanks so much Lucia! Really enjoyed working with you this year. Here's to overcoming more "hard things" in future. Wishing you a big 2024!

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John, great to see you. Your message was just what I needed to read. I’ve been in a dip since the 4th of July as my family and work commitments (clients & employees) have been at an apex. I’ve been beating myself up about it and it’s been weighing on me. I will give myself Grace (as I can feel you have to yourself) and keep going - per Seth G’s perspective. Thank you again.

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Thanks so much, James. I sometimes think I'm going through this alone, but invariably other people are in the same boat facing the same battles. Good call not being too hard on yourself. You're a great writer and I'm looking forward to reading more of your essays when it works for you. Thanks for commenting.

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John, thank pal. I’m not sure how much you’re on WOP site. I just sent you a message with a draft of a piece if you have time to take a look. If you don’t I totally understand. 🙏

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Your pictures and your running feats continue to be breathtaking (and I imagine that to be quite literally). So good to read what you've been up to! Hope to continue following along :)

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Haha thanks Becky! It's good to be back. Hope we get to catch up again soon :)

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